Monday, May 24, 2010

Super Hero Day II

I went to school on friday the 21st of May.I went into the classroom and I was so surprised! There were no teachers in the school at all! It was like they had all been turned into ... well superheroes, which was half of what had happened because there were only superheroes in the whole school.
Magically my clothes all changed into a ...NINJA COSTUME... My hair changed into a plait on the top of my head, I had a gi top on and a brown belt around my waist ,I wore black tights and stunning red boots.Oh my gosh,it was SUPERHERO DAY.Nah I'm just kidding with ya about the magic but it is true that on Friday we had had a Superhero Day.
Mrs Parker from Room 1 was our organizer. She had come up with the idea of having a superhero day to help raise money for the World Vision famine.
In total we raised approximately $265.60, which is a lot having not many people in the school.
That morning we went to have a Superhero parade. Everyone in classes of 2 went round the whole hall showing off their costumes (I was a ninja by the way)Mr Pillette had chosen the music - "Believe it or Not" which was the theme song for "Greatest American Hero".
It was super fun and I hope we can do it again next year.

By Jiah


Mrs Brown said...

Well done Room 9 and Fitzroy School. I can't believe I couldn't be there in person for Superhero day (I had my costume and everything ready) but I know you all had a super time for a super cause. I hope you all keep up the great work helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

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