Friday, May 28, 2010

Wizard Challenge Results

Green Screen Wizard Challenge – Thursday 13 May 2010

Place School Team Points

1st Oakura Japan 2 144

2nd Fitzroy England 1 139

3rd Oakura Japan 1 125

4th Welbourn Australia 124

5th Fitzroy Brazil 103

6th Welbourn England 2 102

Sports Exchange

Fitzroy Primary School faced Spotswood primary in a sports exchange on Thursday 27th May. Luckily the weather held out and it was a nice day. Fitzroy won the netball, soccer and the basketball. Spotswood were victorious in the rugby and the hockey.

By James

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Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Random School Happenings

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Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Super Hero Day III

At Fitzroy School on the 21/5/2010 it was Super Hero Day! We did it to raise money for the famine.
I dressed up as 'Super Sam'. I had an orange t-shirt and a Superman cape.
Ben's costume was a Teletubby. It looked really comfortable .
We went into the hall so everyone could see what we were wearing. Mr. Pillette dressed up as Batman. We also had a class photo.
We raised $265.00 in total on top of the money that everyone else raised at home and online. It was a really fun day.

By Sam

Monday, May 24, 2010

Super Hero Day II

I went to school on friday the 21st of May.I went into the classroom and I was so surprised! There were no teachers in the school at all! It was like they had all been turned into ... well superheroes, which was half of what had happened because there were only superheroes in the whole school.
Magically my clothes all changed into a ...NINJA COSTUME... My hair changed into a plait on the top of my head, I had a gi top on and a brown belt around my waist ,I wore black tights and stunning red boots.Oh my gosh,it was SUPERHERO DAY.Nah I'm just kidding with ya about the magic but it is true that on Friday we had had a Superhero Day.
Mrs Parker from Room 1 was our organizer. She had come up with the idea of having a superhero day to help raise money for the World Vision famine.
In total we raised approximately $265.60, which is a lot having not many people in the school.
That morning we went to have a Superhero parade. Everyone in classes of 2 went round the whole hall showing off their costumes (I was a ninja by the way)Mr Pillette had chosen the music - "Believe it or Not" which was the theme song for "Greatest American Hero".
It was super fun and I hope we can do it again next year.

By Jiah

Heroes and Heroines

On Friday the 21st it was Super Hero Day Da Da Da!! Though it wasn't a very good day for me 'cause my costume was really, really, really, dumb, stupid, bad and ugly (well that's what I thought). Anyway, Friday was a cold day so I kind of have two reasons for not wearing my costume, though at lunch, I did have a heap of fun with Jessica, Hannah, Jiah, Jaelyn, and Georgia.=]

In the morning the whole school had a parade in the hall, I just sat with Olivia, my best friend.

All the teachers dressed up. Mr Pillette, my teacher, dressed up as Batman. After the exciting parade Room 9 (the class I'm in) went to do some singing with Room 8 and Mr Mansfield, our principal. YAY!

After school Hannah and I walked together as we discussed how much the school raised 'cause today was gold coin day and we were raising money for World Vision. The amount that we raised was $257.60 which will go to help the needy people overseas.

by Donna

Super Hero Day

On Friday the 21st Fitzroy school had a dress-up like a superhero day. Even the teachers dressed up. If you couldn't dress up as a superhero or villian you could've worn orange instead, it was called Operation Orange day.
The most popular heroes to dress up as were Superman and Superwoman. Jessica and I were arch enemies because Jessica was Superwoman so she was good. She wore a long red cape with an S on the back,a blue t-shirt with an S on the front and a black skirt with tights. Whereas I was a villian with black jeans, white and black striped long sleeves and the same jumper to go woth it. I also wore a black poncho on my back with a G on it to make a cape.
Everyone had loads of fun with the parade in our school hall to go along with it. All of this was to raise money for the world vision 24hr famine. Everyone brought a gold coin donation in total we raised-$267.70!!!

By Georgia V

Friday, May 21, 2010

Marvin Animations

Lately we have been working with an animation program called "Marvin". Mr. Pillette went to a conference workshop at the beginning of the year and brought the idea back to us. We decided it would be fun to publish some of our poetry using it. We have been writing Limerick poems and the video shows some of our first attempts with the program. Our next steps in learning how to use Marvin will be to record our own voices and use them in the script as well as using some better background photos.

Monday, May 17, 2010

Tech Wizards Day - 13th May

Last Thursday 13th May Jiah, Cormac, Georgia L and Jack visited NPGHS computer lab for a Tech Wizards Training Day. At Tech Wizards we learned how to use ULead animation program. It is much like Movie Maker but much more advanced because you can put one movie over another to make a really awesome movie.
Our team was called Fitzroy England/Fitzroy Green. We were put with a Tech Angel called Ruby and she was year 11. Our main instructors were called Kim and Nicole. They are the computer experts that run that department. The competition was between Fitzroy, Welbourn and Oakura Schools. Each school had two teams of four students. We had to make a movie about a country we had chosen, my team chose England and the other Fitzroy team chose Brazil because their teacher Ms. Parker had just come back from there.We had to go into a blue room to do the filming. Our movie was about four spies who had been given a mission to steal the Queen's jewels and her crown but instead of the crown there were sunglasses that Jiah took. When they got out of the building the Second World War had started and a plane had flown over and bombed the Queen's palace and it had blown up the building including us ending up in a massive mushroom cloud. We don't know if we won the cup because the movies still had to be judged. Hope we won.

By Jiah & Georgia L

Thursday, May 13, 2010


Welcome to our class blog. Here we will periodically post examples of our work, and photos and videos of what we are doing, what we have done and what we will be doing. We hope that you will follow us and even take time to comment - we would love your feedback. Posts will be done by everyone in the class at some time or other. They won't be long posts unless it's something really exciting, so checking in with us will only take a few minutes each time. You are welcome to subscribe to our blog and that way you will be notified of any updates. We are just learning how to do this stuff - so join us on our journey.