Wednesday, June 23, 2010

"Secret Spaces" A Photographic Exhibition by James Hall

James is 10 years old. He has an "eye". He was asked to take the class digital camera and take images from around the school, but to make them a bit of a challenge so that his classmates could try and guess where they were taken. I briefly taught James the rule of 3rds and how to compose an image and sent him on his way. The following photos are untouched and uncropped, they are just as James took them. I think they are stunning, so much in fact that these images are presently being exhibited in the school entrance in all their glory. If you are passing, pop in and take a look!

Nice work James..


Mrs Looney said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT photography James! Will pop in and see your pics next week.

Mrs Brown - Room 3 said...

James these are stunning! You have a real talent - don't ever doubt your ability and KEEP taking photos.

Georgia.V said...

Cool pics James :)!(:

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