Friday, June 8, 2012

Robot Attack

One beautiful sunny day an inventor was working in her lab jotting down notes and looking at the blue prints. "I think I've got it right now" she said to herself. Three days later the ROBO 2000 robot maker was complete. The inventor turned on the machine and she got ready to make the robots. A voice said "Please enter your password."

Her password was written on a piece of paper somewhere and as she was looking for it she slipped on something.
 "Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what this piece of paper was doing on the ground, it should be in the recycling bin?" she said out loud. She tossed the paper in the bin.

 Little did the inventor know that the piece of paper that she put in the bin was the piece of paper that she was looking for.

"Wait a minute that paper that I chucked away might have my password on it" she thought to herself. So the inventor ran back to the recycling bin and grabbed the paper.

"Yahoo now I can make some robots" the inventor said. As the inventor entered her password the machine began making some beeping noises. "Be bo bop beep. Hello what can I do for you, make me a cup of Joe," it said. The inventor programmed it to make her robots.

Two weeks later the inventor was sitting around and the robots were doing everything for her as well as  all the people in the city. Life was sweet.  But something went wrong!

One night the robots went outside and started destroying the city while the towns people were  inside sleeping. The buildings were destroyed and the roads were ripped up. The city was a mess and something had to be done.

"Neeeeewm!" a jetplane flew over the destroyed airport.  The airforce had come to the city.

The pilot said into his mouthpiece "Sir I have a lock on the main robot, do I have your permission to fire!'

The commander replied "Yes, fire when ready!" The pilot squeezed the fire button and two missiles launched from the jet's wingtips. They flew straight and true and hit the main robot smack in the head.

KAABOOOM! The missiles exploded and destroyed all the robots, smashing them all to smithereens. The city was saved.

The inventor was sad that her invention had failed again but she was determined to succeed. Three months later the ROBO 2001 robot maker was completed...

 THE END By:Celine


Melanie said...

What a good story! It's good that the city was saved, but watch out for the next set of robots!

Anonymous said...

Nice to see Celine writing a good imaganative composition.I'm a relative and live in Ramsgate England where her Nan comes from. I also have just retired as a Learning Mentor at a local School. Well done Celine.

Anonymous said...

Sorry I should have been more specific. I am Mr.R.Lynch who is Celines Grandmothers Brother in Ramsgate England and worked as an assistant in a local secondary scool, Years 7 to 13. Worked a lot with the I.C.T. Department.

With thanks Bob Lynch.

Anonymous said...

that was an interesting story Celine. well written. keep up the good work.

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