Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Pig Hunting with Dave

On Saturday I went pig hunting with Dave, Dad and Joseph. When we got to Bruce’s, we asked him if we could go onto his land. He said that we could. When we got to the place we were sent to, we left the 4WD and started to walk.

We saw soo many fresh rootings but we didn’t find any pigs there. About an hour and a half later when we were getting our doubts that we weren’t gonna get one, we heard the dogs start barking and barking.We thought it was going to be a boar because the dogs were bailing it up.We got excited and started running. Dad carried on telling me to slow down but I was too excited so I carried on through the bush and ferns. Then we got to it, it was a......sow!!! Dave and I were so annoyed!

Dave stuck it because the dogs had mauled it quite badly. We then chopped its head off and gutted it and Dad carried it back. Joseph and I had a go at carrying it too but it was pretty heavy.

Later on at home Dave, Joseph and I butchered the sow ready for the freezer. I had a go with the skinning knife but it wasn’t all that easy and VERY gruesome. I’m looking forward to the best part though and that’s eating it. Next time I hope we get a boar.

By Reuben.B


Mr. P said...

Another great story Reuben. You certainly lead an exciting life in the outdoors!

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