Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Snake Trouble

Once upon a time there was a snake whose name was Slippery. One day, while slithering through the jungle, Slippery saw another snake which looked just like him. After a short time staring at each other, Slippery decided he didn't like the other snake at all. "Too much like me, there's only room for one of me!" thought Slippery.
The two snakes came together and started to hiss at each other. The other snake didn't really like Slippery either "Too slippery!" thought the other snake. Suddenly both snakes stood up on their tails (for they were cobra snakes) and lunged at each other - the fighting began.
As the battle wore on the snakes started to whack each other with their tails. They hissed and they bit and they wriggled and they slithered, right into the night! The next day, totally exhausted, the snakes finally stopped fighting. No-one was a winner.
"You wait until I get my breath back!" warned Slippery.
"No YOU wait until I get the feeling back in my tail, then you'll be in big trouble!" hissed the other snake.
Suddenly there was a rustling in the bushes and a HUMUNGOUS python materialized. "Did someone say big trouble?" boomed the python, "because that's who I am - I'm the biggest trouble you woosies are ever going too meet!"
The two cobras didn't feel so brave any more and both slithered away as fast as their slippery bodies could carry them! Monty Python laughed and laughed.


By Victoria

Monday, February 20, 2012

New Kids on the Block!

Hi we are the kids from Room 9 this year. We want our class to be a helpful and safe environment where we all can do heaps of cool stuff. Our blog is the place where we put all of our work and experiences so you can be part of it too. We would like you to leave us a message or comment because we appreciate it. Just click the comment button.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

Garden Wars - A story by Caitlyn

Garden Wars

The parsleys readied their pea bullets.
The basils readied their spud bombs.

The coriander trembled with fear.
The tremendous beans stood in the middle. The garden was at war!

The reason for this war was because of the beans.
Every day the beans stood tall and beautiful, while the other vegetables were small and squat.
There were beetroot bombs. Carrot and parsnip rifles, pea bullets and spud bombs.
FIRE!!!! It was MADNESS!!!!
Bits of potatoes, kumara and pumpkin were flickering everywhere!
Carrots and parsnips were firing at every second. It was a mess!
The basils and parsleys were ganging up on the sprouts.
The lavender and rosemary were ganging up on the broccoli.

Amidst all of this ruckus little Dorothy woke from her afternoon sleep. She climbed out of her porta-cot and looked out the window.
To her surprise she saw vegetables fighting!
‘AAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!” She cried.
Dorothy crawled out to the vegetable garden.
Half a kumara splattered onto her satin cream dress and a mushy pea got lodged in her ear.
‘DOROTHY?” Her mother called from the kitchen, ‘WHAT'S ALL THAT RACKET!?”
When her mother arrived her mouth dropped wide open like a goldfish.
‘Dorothy", she sighed, "have you been playing in the garden again?”
Dorothy didn’t know what to say, her voice trembled with fear. “Well, at least the beans are okay.” Then she leant over and picked the beans from the garden.
“Noooooo!” the vegetables wailed.

By Caitlyn Moeller:)