Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Mural Project: Introduction

We have recently started creating a mural for our school grounds. We have done this with the help of Mr. Ray Stoddart who is an artist and ex-art adviser. Our mural is being designed by students and will depict the things that we see as important to us in and around our school. It will consist of 3 large panels and 5 smaller panels. Four of the smaller panels will show the native trees that represent our school houses which are; Koromiko, Puriri, Rata and Totora. The 3 larger panels will show various other aspects of school life.
A strip of Kowhaiwhai (a maori pattern) will run through the bottom of each panel linking them together.
This first stage involved a lot of planning, discussion and decision making about design and content. We took photos of various points of interest around the school to assist us. Once we were happy we then divided our boards up into grids and proceeded to draw our designs in pencil onto them. This was intensive and painstaking work and took about 3 days.

Once the mural is finished it will be mounted in the school grounds for everyone to enjoy.


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