Wednesday, August 19, 2015

New Fitzroy School Gardens

On Thursday 31/07 the new Fitzroy School gardens were put into use. We planted mixed brassica , curly leaf parsley, spring onion, red Onion, camarosa strawberries, mizuna, mixed lettuce and last but not least cos red lettuce. We will use most of these in the burgers at the gala day. We have put a fence around the garden so no vandals can get into the garden. Brassica is broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprouts, cabbage and lettuce in a mix. Our strawberries are flowering which we don't want yet. We are going to pick off all the flowers so they concentrate growth on their roots.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

 Mr Dunnet's visit

On Monday Mr Dunnet, who is the science teacher at Spotswood College, came to Fitzroy School to show us some science.Some of the experiments he did were: homemade lava lamp, changing the colours of chemicals, making elephant toothpaste(chemical foam)  and some fun with dry ice and fire.Mr Dunnet told us a few interesting facts: in a table (or any solid object) the particles are always vibrating even though you can't see it. Mr Dunnet also said
that in science, red usually means that the chemical is acidic or dangerous and blue usually means the chemical is neutral.

Thursday, March 19, 2015

Swimming and Captains!

On March 12th the 8, 9 and 10 year olds had Swimming Sports.The day started off with widths followed by lengths and then after lunch we had the finals. Then the house relays and teacher student relays.

On Wednesday we had house captain elections. Our new house captains are Rata:Elly and Joel, Puriri: Symonn and Kace, Koromiko: Ally and Israel, Totara: Grace  and Riley.

Friday, March 6, 2015

Awesome Weeks 4 & 5

In Week 1 we started our hands and most of us finished them in Week 3. We got the idea from an artist's blog. Each person wrote what they thought Room 9 should be. Each person had a different idea of what Room 9 should be like. Respectful, Sporty, Truthful, Friendly, Games etc.

On Tuesday, Week 5 we had House Captain voting. On this day we have all four houses in a different classroom. We had a lot of candidates this year. A girl and boy get the title of House Leader. All will be revealed at the next assembly.

On the 12th of March at 10:30 am we will be having the Senior Swimming Sports. The senior swimming sports will include the 8 to 11 year old kids. 

The McFizzies have auditioned so they can go to the hundredth A.N.Z.A.C. ceremony and sing some songs from the early 1900s. We will find out who got in soon!

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

A Little of What Happened in Week 3!

Constable Greg telling us about his role in the Fitzroy family.

On Thursday 19.2.15 Constable Greg, the local policeman, told us about his roles and responsibilities in the Fitzroy Family and as a policeman.

 A new classroom is being built outside Rm 6 and Rm5. It is going to be part of the Upper Junior block.The plan is the classroom should be done by early Term 2.

Ms MacDonald came in from the BOT to come talk to us about her job as the property manager for the Board. As property manager of the Board she oversees all the things that need to be built.we staged a play with her as chair person to demonstrate what it would be like to be on the Board

In week 3 we made recipes about our summers.They had to consist of 8 ingredients or more and a method. 

Friday, February 13, 2015

Busy and Bustling Week 2

Fitzroy's getting back into things and after two weeks of school everything is getting back to normal.Our fantastic Room 9 Jump Jam leaders are leading the school in fitness.They do this every year, sharing the duties with Room 8.

We also have our 3 road patrollers on duty. They work morning and evening, dedicating some of their free time to help the school and keep our active kids safe.

We have started to do our art work as well they're looking great and should be done soon. They will make a display to show how we want Room 9 to be and also our class motto for 2015.

Also we have a new Te Reo teacher, her name is Ms Broderick. She is a wonderful teacher and her lessons include Te Reo o te wiki that we practice together.

We have started our swimming lessons too. We have 4 sessions of swimming a week, which include, stream line,free style and we do some survival floating as well.