Monday, December 17, 2012

That's it for 2012!

What a year it's been for our school and the class of  2012. Our school has grown in numbers considerably this year and we finish with 377 students on the roll! For us in Room 9 we have had a busy year and have enjoyed a variety of experiences and events, but for most of us (with the exception of the Year 5's Bryden, Hillary, Jacob, Max and Aljeah) this was our last year at Fitzroy School and we are off to pastures new at intermediate school in 2013.

Miss O'Brien will be teaching in Room 9 in 2013, so hopefully this blog will continue under her guidance. We wish everyone a safe holiday, a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year. See you in 2013.

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

Update on the Library's Alterations

This is an update on the Library's Alterations which is now a happy and hard-working Classroom. The atmosphere is great with 10 kids and new teacher Mrs.Vazey. It's taken a while but the kids have brand new furniture and a very special little space to enjoy their learning, and to be right next to the library has got to be a bonus!!

Friday, August 17, 2012

Chris Cairns Visits for Rail Safety Week

Today (Thursday 16th August) Chris Cairns came to our school to talk to us about railway safety because railways can be very dangerous. He came to tell us to be careful around railways and trains and to respect railways.
 Chris Cairns got a train driver to come and talk to us too, his name was Ron. Ron is a rail engineer he said to stay away from railways because it sometimes takes a train half a kilometer to stop.
Chris Cairns' saying is ‘Use your brain, tracks are for trains’
Although he is a famous cricketer, he came to talk to us because a few years ago his sister Louise was tragically killed in a rail accident, and because a great number of Fitzroy kids cross the track to get to school and home again each day. 

By: Bailey

Chris and his Crossing Helpers

Thursday, August 9, 2012


This term we are having our Speeches. In week 7 we will have to present our speeches which is also the week we have our cross country. We don't have a topic that we have to write about this year, but we do get to choose for ourselves, but there is one rule, it has be appropriate. We will be judged on eye contact with the audience, a clear voice, an appropriate topic, suitable Q cards and it has to be 2 - 3 minutes long.

We will be adding another blog to inform you about Rm 9's score and who wins the speech finals.

By : Bronwyn, Bella & Isiah


This year, yet again, we have created and painted some more MURALS. This time we decided on a design that would identify how cool our school  is.
The 9 panels have "Fitzroy School" spread across them. They encompass lots of greenery, (trees and plants), with some New Plymouth icons, such as the Wind Wand and Waiwakaiho Bridge. You can see the wonderful Murals, on the schools pool fence, they are a beautiful icon for Fitzroy School. The murals are a great success thanks to Ray Stoddart and Fitzroy Kids. The Painters are: 
Rm 6: Gemma, Rohan and  Holly. 
Rm 7: Sasha, Satsuki, Kale and Logan. 
Rm 8:  Keana, Ciara, Harlem and Ruby.
Rm 9: Naylah, Daniel, Byron and Bryden

C.J. blesses the mural with Wharekuka looking on

                                            By: Bella, Bronwyn & Isiah

Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Library's Alterations

This term, half of our School Library is having to be changed into a classroom because our Junior and Middle School is growing, making our Fitzroy Family bigger.

The Librarians have started by taking all of the fiction novels into the non fiction area, they have been cleared so they can fit on their shelves (the rest of the books in the fiction side are going to be put in containers).

When you go through the outside door you will walk into a tiny hallway that will lead you to the classroom and into the main desk,(which Mrs.Murdoch stays behind.) and the door that is by the School corridor will be the library door too issue and return. There will be no library lesson time it will be just a quick return and issue every week because Mrs.Murdoch doesn't want the classes to annoy Room 14 when it's finished.

Because the school is expanding, some Juniors are getting moved up to the Middle School then some of the Middle Schoolers are going to Room 6 & 7. Some of Room 6&7's Yr5's will be moved into Room 9 (which is our classroom). Room 8 will stay the same because they already have 31 children.

By: Bella & Bronwyn



Friday, June 29, 2012

Charlottes Story

Vampires suck your blood!
Did you know that there are 5,000,000 vampires in the world and that there have been 101 mystery deaths worldwide? In New Zealand in 2012 scientists have found on a body, two punctures in a woman’s neck, and recently one of the scientists that was examining the woman was found lifeless in a dark alleyway with the same punctures in his neck. So you'd better watch out For them because you could be next and guess what???                                             
I … AM… COMING … FOR…. YOU!!!!!!  

By: Charlotte 

Friday, June 22, 2012

The Happy Old Mole!!

                   Chapter 1
Once upon a time there was a happy old Mole walking alone on the river bank.  Although the Mole was wearing a good suit he was still an old Mole.
Soon Mole bumped into Frog. “Hi Frog,” said Mole, “do you want to come to my house?”
                               Chapter 2
Frog agreed and when Mole and Frog got home Mole went and made a cup of coffee for Frog and put out some biscuits.
When Frog left Mole went to the supermarket to find some nice juicy bugs for dinner.
When Mole got back and ate his dinner and it was time to go to sleep.
                    Chapter 3
The next morning Mole woke up and decided to go for a walk again. This time Mole bumped into Badger and said excitedly “Oh my gosh Badger, do you want to go to my house and have same tea?”
“Certainly,” said Badger, so off they went to Mole’s house to have same tea.

                     Chapter 4
The next day Mole wanted to go on a boat trip down the river but he didn’t have a boat so he had to buy one.
Ratty was only too happy to sell him a boat and agreed to take Mole out to the river to teach him how to row his brand new boat.
                                  Chapter 5
When he was good enough, Mole decided to go for a long trip on the river. Ratty came along for the ride. After a while they came to a haunted valley that Ratty had never seen before.
Then Mole found a secret lair. Suddenly “Mwaaaa!” said a voice in the middle of nowhere. Mole and Ratty rowed for their lives.
                    Chapter 6
When Mole got out of the haunted valley there was a smooth lake until he hit a rock “I hit the raging rapids Aaaaaaa!” he yelled.
When Mole got to the bottom of the rapids he was still screaming his head off.        

                 By Victoria Clark

Saturday, June 9, 2012


Lately Strike has visited our school with a outstanding performance with Drums, Fire, Fresh Up Cans and Marimba.

Strike is a musical percussion group that travel around the world, they play in music festivals and on shows as well as at schools. They are known for their loud music and beats.

At First they started with a loud rhythm and beat on the drums then they did a song on the Marimba it was very relaxing.  They then were straight in with volunteers that were teachers and then some kids.

After that they were doing a build up of songs so they started with one and then another one came in and so on. They then made everyone need a drink because they used fresh up cans with a hand performance, that made everyone wonder.

They started spraying  fire with "special spray" when they did that, they put fire onto a stick and sprayed the fire with the " special spray " to make it go everywhere. It was very clever because what the kids didn't know was that the burning fire balls created a beat.

The final finale was when they did the loudest song they ever did which was called " Little Seagulls " and some people thought " Little Seagulls are peaceful and it wasn't peaceful at all "

By: Bella and Bronwyn

Friday, June 8, 2012

Robot Attack

One beautiful sunny day an inventor was working in her lab jotting down notes and looking at the blue prints. "I think I've got it right now" she said to herself. Three days later the ROBO 2000 robot maker was complete. The inventor turned on the machine and she got ready to make the robots. A voice said "Please enter your password."

Her password was written on a piece of paper somewhere and as she was looking for it she slipped on something.
 "Hmmmmmmm, I wonder what this piece of paper was doing on the ground, it should be in the recycling bin?" she said out loud. She tossed the paper in the bin.

 Little did the inventor know that the piece of paper that she put in the bin was the piece of paper that she was looking for.

"Wait a minute that paper that I chucked away might have my password on it" she thought to herself. So the inventor ran back to the recycling bin and grabbed the paper.

"Yahoo now I can make some robots" the inventor said. As the inventor entered her password the machine began making some beeping noises. "Be bo bop beep. Hello what can I do for you, make me a cup of Joe," it said. The inventor programmed it to make her robots.

Two weeks later the inventor was sitting around and the robots were doing everything for her as well as  all the people in the city. Life was sweet.  But something went wrong!

One night the robots went outside and started destroying the city while the towns people were  inside sleeping. The buildings were destroyed and the roads were ripped up. The city was a mess and something had to be done.

"Neeeeewm!" a jetplane flew over the destroyed airport.  The airforce had come to the city.

The pilot said into his mouthpiece "Sir I have a lock on the main robot, do I have your permission to fire!'

The commander replied "Yes, fire when ready!" The pilot squeezed the fire button and two missiles launched from the jet's wingtips. They flew straight and true and hit the main robot smack in the head.

KAABOOOM! The missiles exploded and destroyed all the robots, smashing them all to smithereens. The city was saved.

The inventor was sad that her invention had failed again but she was determined to succeed. Three months later the ROBO 2001 robot maker was completed...

 THE END By:Celine

Our Values & Topics

This year we have been focusing on our school values and topics each term. This term our value is Excellence and Room 9 shows Excellence in behaviour, work and attitude. We are striving towards our goals and all our values. The other three are:

Respect: We focused on this in Term 1 and we feel we completed and modeled it very well. We had to show respect for our work, property and our classmates and of course ourselves.
Integrity: We are going to focus on this in Term 3. Our goal will be to make everyone feel like they are safe at school, which means a bully free school with trusting and respectful students and teachers. We will make sure that no one will get made fun of and we year 6's will step up and be leaders in this school.
Resilience: Resilience is when we stick to we what we believe in and keep at it, we will be studying this in term 4.
We will be striving to keep to these values all year.

Our Topics: We have 4 new Topics 1 Topic for each term.

Term 1 Topic:
In term 1 our topic was Bees. We learned a whole lot of awesome facts on these amazing creatures and how they are essential to our own survival as a species.
Term 2 Topic: This term our topic is The Solar System. We've learned a lot lately and there is still more information to come. The last 2 topics are yet to come.

By Bella, Bronwyn and Isiah.

Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Armed Offenders Squad Visit

The A.O.S (Armed Offenders Squad) came to visit our School at 1:30 p.m on the 15th May. Some of them came in a Police Van while most of them arrived by Helicopter. They introduced themselves and talked a little about what they do and then let us put on their helmets and glass goggles. Some of us were lucky enough to handle some of their weapons. Before the squad left they let off a flare (a smoke bomb) for the pilot of the helicopter to see where they were. Overall it was great experience for the Fitzroy School Children and Teachers and each class got magnificent photos of them.  Here are some of them now.

By: Bella, Bronwyn and Isiah.