Monday, December 26, 2011

That's It For 2011..

The summer school holidays have started and the Room 9 class of 2011 have packed up their books and headed off on new adventures in their education. It's been great fun during 2011 but the Room 9 class of 2012 is only a matter of weeks away and may the fun continue. Check back in a few weeks and see what the new year will bring for us..

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Year 5 & 6 End-of-Year Social

Last night (13th December) we had our end-of-year social to farewell the Year 6 students. The evening was hosted by the Year 5's and attended by heaps of parents. Everyone, including the parents performed really well in their dances and by all accounts everyone had a great time. The evening was finished off with the Year 6's being presented with their leaving certificates. Our whole-school final assembly will be held tomorrow, which will finish off the 2011 school year. We wish all of our Year 6 leavers all the best for their futures, you are all going to make us proud!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Mural Project: Part 3 The Unveiling

Today (6th December) we held a small ceremony where we unveiled our completed mural. The weather was kind to us and in front of the whole school, teachers, parents and invited guests Mr. Mansfield invited two of our Year 6 students (who were part of the original creative team) to explain what their inspiration was and what the panels meant. Then Mr. Stoddart who helped the students throughout the project said a few words, and encouraged everyone to enjoy and protect the finished piece. Next Mr. Anderson, our school chaplain blessed the mural for us before finally, our two year six girls unveiled the accompanying plaque. We are proud of our mural and the name "Puna Matauranga" is Maori for "A Place of Knowledge".

Monday, December 5, 2011

Te Wera Camp Day 3

On Friday we got up and got changed then had some breakfast. We brushed our teeth and put our clothes and sleeping bags in the cars then we did the last of our activities which were the spider web (the spider web is a big web and we try to get through it with out touching the rope), and the confidence courses. There were three confidence courses. One you had to work as a team to get the tyre over the post and the next was a rope course that we had to walk along lots of ropes while holding on to other bits of rope without falling off. The final confidence course we had to get to the other side of it without touching the ground. We also used the wobble bed which is a wooden platform that wobbles and you have to keep it balanced with team work. We also made dampers on a fire then we put golden syrup on them and ate them and we also toasted marshmallows. There was also a tower that we had to lift people on your team up to the top. There was a little piece of rope at the top so when you get to the top you clip the rope to the top part of the tower then you don't have to lift them as high. After those activities we did a final clean-up and headed off back to school and home, tired but happy. Camp was really a fun-filled 3 days in the wilds of Taranaki.

By Reuben And Reef

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Te Wera Camp Day 2

On day 2 at 9:00am Room 9 went tramping with Ian McAlpine through the slippery and rocky country side. When we got to a particular spot we made a bivouac in teams (which is a type of bush shelter). A little while later Ian McAlpine came around to see our group's shelter to see if we could all fit inside. About ten minutes later we got a biscuit and a lolly and started walking back to camp base. We took a new and hard way through the bush.
When we finally got back to camp we had a quick lunch. At 1 o'clock we went kayaking and did some archery. In the middle of kayaking, Ashley fell in the lake and Superman a.k.a Reuben came to save the day. A little while later we walked back to the cars and drove back to camp to enjoy the flying fox, afternoon tea and the water slide.
That night when we were waiting for dinner we had a little singing practice to pass the time. For dinner we had hamburgers BBQ'd by the camp Dads. After tea we went and played on the flying fox and had quiet time while we were waiting for the big show "CAMP COURT" with Miss Rangi. It was humorous and embarrassing for some people.

By Ashley, Kyla and Willow

Friday, December 2, 2011

Te Wera Camp Day 1

On Wednesday 2nd November 9:30am Room 9 and 8 left the school grounds on-the-go to Te Wera Camp grounds,round 'bout 30 minutes (36 kilometres) East of Stratford. It was just over an hours drive from school.
We arrived at Te Wera just after 10:30am. After parking the car(which took a while) we met up in the hall and had a talk with one of the owner's called Sandy. She just mainly told us 'what to do' and 'what not to do' basically the rules.
Afterwards we had our morning tea packed from home, and ate it outside in the warm sun. That was around 11ish then we got to go to our cabins. Girls and boys were separated into different blocks. We had already sorted who we were going in our cabins with the day before camp back at school, so we unpacked everything and put them in our cupboards. We could only fit 3 people in each cabin, two people in a bunk and one single bed. As a class we had a walk..well really a tour around the camp site. After that, we had lunch packed from home.
Shortly after lunch Room 9 did the first our activities. These included archery, orienteering and volleyball. We were split up into groups of 9 and we had at least 40 minutes for each session.

By Jessica Li, Riana Dhindsa and Aileen Chen.