Monday, September 26, 2011


On Friday the 23rd of September we had our school speech finals! With people from rooms 6, 7, 8 and last but not least room 9 competing. There were speech topics from Budgies to... sharing a room with you younger sibling.
The winner was Liam Mataku with his speech on "What would you do if an alien came to live in our school?" He won the Julia Cloake Speech making cup.

Second place was defending Champion Donna Luo with her speech on Animal Cruelty and third place, biting at everyone's tails, was Jake Bowling with his speech about his adventures on the Gold Coast. Congratulations to all our participants and especially to the winners!

Thursday, September 22, 2011

The Whispering Woods

Once upon a time long long ago,deep in the woods there lived a woodcutter and his wife. Although he didn't have children, he was content with life. He lived a simple life with his wife, Bertha. Bertha had the kind of face you wish never to set your eyes on. Although she was a cruel,sour and vindictive old lady, oh how he loved her. She had a crooked wart-covered nose, and bushy eyebrows. He didn't seem to see that side of her,that everyone else seemed to see. He would give her scabby feet massages and insist that she was to do no housework, and to rest.

Then one snowy winters night Bertha fell ill, very ill. The old man did all that he could do to save her but she died a terrible death. Although many people loathed her they gave their sympathy to the old man.

As time went on the old man's moods became dark and soon his life started to close in on him. No-one came to visit him anymore and how he longed for a soft, kind voice to talk to. Soon people began to forget about him altogether and all of this soon started to drive him insane. Some days he would just sit in his old rocking chair, staring out of the window muttering words to himself. Time eventually did its job and soon hundreds of pests and animals began living in his house, but of course he didn't notice or even care, he was too busy making conversation with his couch.

One day a young hunter named Phillip was tracking deer when all of a sudden he heard a rustling sound in an old abandoned house (well he thought it was abandoned). On closer inspection he spotted a brown ruffle haired creature. His hunting instinct said shoot it! Bang! A bullet ran through the old man's heart. As it did it was like the whole world froze for a moment and the young man suddenly realised what he had done. Now if you ever stroll through the woods and you stop to listen to the quiet whisper of the leaves you might just hear the soft, soothing sound of the Old Man and Bertha.

The End
By Donna

Thursday, September 8, 2011

New Plymouth CrossCountry

Fitzroy School held the exciting New Plymouth cross-country event on the 6th of September 2011, at Peringa Park. There were heaps of different schools from all over the city that competed which was a great challenge for both supporters and runners. Around 40 runners from our school tested their skills on the course running from 1km-3km over flat park land and farm land. Each age group had up to 50 runners in it so the competition was stiff. Our team did reasonably well with several runners gaining top 10 placings. As an added bonus there were some delicious sausages and yummy cupcakes for sale to quell our hunger after we had run. Thanks for all the Parent support, it was a fun event.

By Bella.

Room 9's New Interactive Whiteboard

Room 9 got a new interactive whiteboard on Monday the 29th of August
which was very exciting for all of us. When the technicians had finished setting it up, Room 9 explored the board making a Mr Potato-Head which was a great laugh.
Room 9 also uses the interactive whiteboard now for work and fun and sometimes Room 8 comes in and shares the interactive whiteboard too. We are still learning how to use the board but I reckon we will be experts by the end of the year.

By Rebecca.