Tuesday, August 24, 2010

A.W.E Water Safety Programme

I dived down deep to retrieve the ring from the bottom of the pool... got it! I raced the bubbles to the surface, my goggles fogged up as I flicked the water from my face. My bright green rash-top reflected in the water as I swam dolphin-like to the edge of the pool. I grabbed the cold wet handrail, climbed up the ladder step by step to safety and the next activity. My classmates followed me like a pod of green frogs, Glen was waiting patiently for us with rescue tube in hand and a mountain of flippers.

"Are you ready guys?"asked Glen.

"Yes" we all replied excitedly.

We buddied up and half of us slipped on flippers and the other half strapped on the red tubes, the tube dudes were the drowning victims and those of us with flippers were the rescuers.

It was HEAPS of fun - I didn't drown once!!!

Over the following three days we experienced lots more challenging water safety activities, it was a wonderful experience and most of my classmates would love to do it again. Thankyou A.W.E and N.P.D.C for including us.

Story by Olivia Birkett, Video by James Hall.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Plane Crazy!

While most of the senior school were off competing in the Fitzroy School organised Rippa Rubgby Tournament, the rest of us had a competition of our own. Mr. Pillette taught us how to fold a pretty neat paper plane which we then decorated. We took our planes over to the school hall and held a three phase competition with them. Round one was DISTANCE (whose plane could fly the furtherest), Round 2 was DURATION (whose plane could stay up the longest) and Round three was ALL UP, LAST DOWN.
Sam was the eventual overall winner after taking out rounds 1 & 3, while Genevieve totally blitzed the field in round 2.
Sam was awarded a massive prize and has promised to take us all on a trip to Fiji. Hopefully NOT on the plane he built! :-)

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Modigliani Portraits

For our latest art project we looked at the artworks of Armedeos Modigliani, an Italian artist who died in 1920 at the young age of 36. His portraits are characterized by the elongated effects he applied to his subjects. We have tried to do the same with ours.

By Georgia L